How To Resolve RoKu No Audio Issue

RoKu No Audio Issue

A Roku smart streaming device can play online video content from a wide range of safe and secure streaming sources -- which is a great thing, unless you are confronting Roku no audio troubles.

A faulty or defective HDMI link can be among the chief reasons behind Roku no sound matter.

If you wanna get rid of this problem forever, then you have to check your HDMI cable is correctly plugged into your smart HD TV as well as the Roku participant both.

In case your High-Definition Multimedia Interface cable is too short for your own purposes, then we'd recommend you to go with an HDMI cable extender.

Moreover, if you are employing a mixed or composite cable to connect to your smart HD TV, then guarantee that the sound connector is correctly connected to the ports on your TV as well as the Roku streaming player both.

Open the Audio Settings

  • Scroll down the main menu from the home and browse to the Settings option.
  • After that, in the preferences' menu, then you need to scroll down again to pick the 'music settings' option.
  • Using this method, the'audio settings' screen will appear.

Choose the Audio Mode

From your Roku remote, in the ‘audio settings’ option, scroll down to the ‘audio mode’. Now, you will see that there are two options available:
  • Stereo
  • Auto
Using the trackpad on your Roku remote, you have to choose the Stereo option. Once selected, select it.

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Employing the Roku distant trackpad -- in the primary'audio' menu -- pick the'HDMI preferences' option.

You can also change the HDMI option from:
  • Auto to PCM -Stereo
  • Dolby D/D+

You are supposed to look at every one of the options out there in turn, and see if your Roku streaming device delivers sound or not.

As a matter of fact, with the ideal mixture of audio mode' and'HDMI' taste, your Roku clever streaming player will surely be able to output audio (sound ) again.

A Roku Smart streaming devices connects your television or home theatre to the internet and allow you to play online video content that is extremely responsive.

This Roko Smart streaming device is typically very basic devices with only a few connections such as video audio and ethernet networking jacks.


  • Plug the HDMI cable into Ruko streaming device and then into the tv
  • Press the Home button by your Roku stick
  • Scroll down the main menu and Browser settings option 

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